Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Are Juniors Ready for the SAT?

Are Juniors Ready for the SAT?

By Diego Munoz

Junior Jaguars take the SAT at South East High school for college and university admission.

One of the most important steps to succeed and apply for colleges is the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT), which is offered to juniors. There is no doubt that the SAT is the test that prepares a student for college and universities. Adriana Munoz, a junior at SEHS, said, “I think the SAT is very important for my future, when it comes to applying for colleges and universities.”

The SAT is a test a junior must-take. In order to do excellent on the SAT, preparation is a must- do to be on their A-game. Adriana Munoz said, “It’s always good to start studying sometime ahead so that you could be prepared. I say a student should always start studying once they become 11th graders.” As every student knows any test has its challenge and the SAT is not an exception. The SAT is structured for high schools, because some colleges and universities require it for admission.

The SAT is made up of 3 school subject’s Math, English and Writing. When a student takes a test, they are sure that if they don’t do well at the test it will most likely affect them. Evangelica Juarez, a junior at SEHS, said, “I don’t really think about what could happen if I don’t pass the SAT because I try to think that I will pass it and achieve a high score.” Juniors seem to be very serious about the SAT, which could mark their life thoroughly. Both Adriana Munoz and Evangelica Juarez claimed that in order for them to get a decent score in the SAT they must practice by taking the pre PSAT which stands for (Practice Scholastic Achievement Test). The PSAT, created the opportunities for every junior to have experience, to see what the test will most likely have and to get an idea of the type of questions the test proposal will have. The SAT will most likely be taken at school with supervision. In a different point of view Juarez said, “I think any time is good to begin studying and prewriting for the SAT. Someone can start as early as 8th or 9th grade.”

Tips never hurt a first time person. Tips are very helpful and juniors might want to consider some advice from person who has already experienced taking the PSAT and the SAT. Carmen Beatriz Munoz, a graduate from SEHS and a sophomore who attends to Cal State University Long Beach, said, “When I applied for CSULB I was asked for my SAT scores.” Her tip to all juniors is to study the top- rated vocabulary words the SAT offers. Carmen Beatriz Munoz said, “I studied all 500 words starting from 9th grade to 11th grade and it did benefit me through out the test course.” All juniors taking the SAT should A’s the exam and start to develop there future.

The SAT could mark a junior’s life. The best way to achieve a high score on the test is to study ahead for the SAT. Taking the PSAT is always the best way to start off. The SAT shouldn’t be the exception for colleges and universities to not want a student. As Adriana Munoz and Evangelica Juarez said, “the SAT is not a joke”.

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